Tin can are the most environmentally safe food packaging


China Economic Net reports: metal cans is the most environmentally safe food packaging. China Canned Food Industry Association the Liang Zhongkang once said: metal tin packaging the safest food packaging products.Zhou Yunjie This also appreciate very much, he said: "Canned food is not adding any preservatives, the shelf life ofthe packaged food for up to three years. The closed barrier also ensure the contents are stored at room temperature under conditions the harmful bacteria contamination, plastic, paper, composite packaging materialscan not be achieved. "
Zhou Yunjie said: "tin can is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust, and metal cans can be unlimitedrecycling and continuously regenerating new cans and other metal material does not produce garbage cans or toproduce a small amount of garbage,so it is the most environmentally friendly. "

Metal tin packaging in China there is a huge space for development in the entire packaging industry chain, butfuture development is also facing four major challenges and opportunities:

First: industrial concentration is not high, no economies of scale, creating expansion opportunities for industry consolidation.

Second: The corporate homogenization of competition and lack of innovation, the opportunity to highlight theproduct design and innovation.

Third: raw materials continued to rise, a serious waste of resources, the cost of innovation and effective weight loss and reducing consumption will be very prominent.

Forth: the lack of brand building, the downstream dependent high standard makers will have a real voice.Customer satisfaction does not equal industry brands, grasp the end-consumer market, creating value for customers, to be able to lead the development of the industry.